China is one of the most important economic superpowers in the world. It is the second-largest economy representing ~18% of global GDP, 70% of annual iron ore demand and 38% of the MSCI Emerging Markets (EM) market cap.
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19th Apr, 2021
In a relatively short space of time, Cryptocurrencies have grown significantly in investor recognition and market capitalisation.
12th Apr, 2021
In our latest Behind the Strategy video, Wilsons Head of Investment Strategy, David Cassidy addresses equity market valuations, the impact of bond yields on asset markets, the A$, growth opportunities and asset allocation. Watch to learn more.
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16th Feb, 2021
Following the release of our Fourth Quarter Asset Allocation Strategy, in our Behind the Strategy video series Wilsons Head of Investment Strategy, David Cassidy and Wilsons Investment Advisor, Alexandra Kalceff discuss:
21st Oct, 2020
In our new video series, Wilsons Head of Investment Strategy, David Cassidy chats with Wilsons Investment Advisor, Alexandra Kalceff about the factors weighing on markets and shaping our asset allocation strategy.
7th Oct, 2020